
Careers Hub

Co-operative Education

The Co-operative (co-op) Education Program at 麻豆网站列表 offers required and elective co-op for a wide variety of academic and vocational programs. Co-op students extend educational knowledge with work-integrated learning, to further reinforce academic learning and professional development. Immersion into related employment opportunities develop skill ability, gain professional experience, and network. 

Employers, simplifying the process of hiring a co-op student into your organization and accessing their talents is made effortless with our new web-based recruitment tool, Careers Hub. With over 15 academic and vocational programs, and students from all levels of coursework, 麻豆网站列表 student talent is diverse and skilled, offering a wide range of skills and fresh perspectives to enhance your organization. Co-op students can help bridge staffing gaps, tackle projects and events, and even become your next new graduate hire. By welcoming co-op students into your workforce, you also benefit from the guidance and support of our dedicated Careers Hub Coordinators, who facilitate employment connections and assist in finding the right fit for your organization. 

Student Workshops and Drop-in Sessions

Connect with a coordinator to help support your pre-employment journey. We offer twice weekly virtual lunch & learn workshops and drop-in sessions to assist you with resumes, cover letters, mock interviews, approaches to networking and job search, or if you want to find out more about co-op. 

Employers please visit our Hire OC page for more details on how to connect with us.

Apply for co-op

The Co-op student handbook provides more details about co-op and entry requirements. You can access the handbook and FAQ's below.

Co-operative education applications are completed in Careers Hub
  1. Careers Hub is accessed through the myOkanagan portal.
  2. Click the Careers Hub link in the 'My Programs' section.
  3. Complete the Co-op Pathway steps & the Work Integrated Learning (WIL) application form.

First semester students please note:  First semester cumulative GPA results are required to assess co-op applications, apply at the end of first semester. 

If you need assistance please email or join a drop-in session, we are happy to help you.

Student handbook & FAQ's

Student handbook

  • Beat the 鈥淐atch 22鈥 鈥 you need experience to get a job, but you need a job to get experience.
  • 鈥淭est the waters鈥 in a chosen field and assess the suitability of your career choice before entering the workforce full-time.
  • Apply academic knowledge and theoretical concepts to a practical work setting which makes learning more interesting.
  • Earn a salary to help finance your education.
  • Gain important soft skills (such as communications, team work, cooperation, and interpersonal skills) essential in today's work environment.
  • Learn more about the expectations and needs of employers.
  • Develop independence and maturity.
  • Take advantage of networking and mentoring opportunities.
  • Enhance your resume writing, job search and interview skills.
  • Acquire relevant work experience which is a plus when applying to graduate school.

Careers Hub is dedicated to providing information and services that can significantly enhance your career and employment prospects. Our department serves as a vital link between employers and students, offering a powerful and effective tool for co-op students to secure work term opportunities. 

  • Assist students with finding Work-Integrated learning opportunities. 
  • Assist in the development of student job search, resume and cover letter skill building. 
  • Provide on-site visits to assess the job and the student's work and learning potential of the position. 
  • Collaborate closely with the academic departments to ensure students' jobs are relatable to the program content 
  • Through co-op initiatives, we ensure that OC programs provide students with skills needed in business and industry. 

Careers Hub provides all OC students and graduates: 

  • Access to job postings & employment resources 
  • Sample resumes, interview tips, announcements/messages
  • Interview schedules & employer presentations 
  • Information about the Annual Careers Expo & Employment Fair  

Co-op Work Term Fee Structure

The program tuition does not include the various costs associated with offering co-op. Students who participate in co-op will be required to pay the following fees:

  • Co-op Application Fee - $100.94
    • Co-op application fee is a one-time non-refundable application fee.
  • Co-op Work Term Fee - $336.46
    • Co-op students will be required to pay the co-op work term fee for each four-month work term.
  • Students returning to the same employer for successive work terms will be required to pay the co-op work term fee for each four-month work term.
    • The co-op work term fee is not a placement fee. All students with an approved co-op application and whose employment is considered a co-op work term will be required to pay the co-op student and work term fees.
  • Co-op fees are in place at all post-secondary institutions in Canada that offer co-op programs.

Relocation for Co-op Work Terms

For certain programs, you are strongly encouraged to be willing to relocate for your work terms.

The job market is driven by many factors, which are outside the control of Careers Hub. Some employers are supportive in relocation matters such as assisting with accommodation searching. Experience has proven that if you are willing to relocate for the work term the rewards far outweigh the inconvenience.

The chances of securing a co-op job may be increased if you apply to as many posting as possible and are willing to relocate.

Co-op Work Terms Salaries

Wage rates are established by the employer, not by Careers Hub.

The wage rates will vary by program and work site. Students in the same program will receive varying work term pay rates.

B.C. Medical Coverage

B.C. Medical Coverage is a requirement for work term participation.

Employers expect that you have basic medical coverage prior to starting your work term.

Student Health & Dental Plan

The Student Health & Dental Plan is administered by the OC Student Union. Co-op students who have opted for the plan are encouraged to confirm the status of their coverage while on work terms. The Student Association staff will be able to answer questions about the plan and coverage. See the website for more information.

Student Loans

Co-op students applying for government assistance (student loans, grants, interest free status etc.) are encouraged to contact the Financial Awards Office to determine next steps.

Students in co-op work terms are eligible to have their student loans placed in interest-free status for the duration of the work term(s), as 麻豆网站列表 classifies you as a full-time student during your work-term.

Please refer to: Government Student Loans and Grants

Your student loan if your responsibility. If you are not sure about your situation, please contact the Financial Awards office.

Registering for Academic Terms

Co-op students are responsible for ensuring that the residence/ mailing address information provided to the Registrar's Admissions' Office is kept up to date and accurate.

Students are responsible for ensuring they are registered in the appropriate courses following their work term(s).

Communication with Careers Hub

You are expected to maintain communication with Careers Hub on all matters pertinent to participation in the co-op component of your program.

Upon your return to OC after each co-op work term, please ensure that you have completed all required steps through your Careers Hub pathway. 

The Co-op Advantage

Your co-op work experience will be included on your transcript as pass/fail. Employers throughout Canada and around the world are recognizing the added value a graduate from a co-op program can bring to an organization. 

Resume and Cover Letters

Please review the resources on your Careers Hub account and consider attending a workshop, scheduled under "Events" in Careers Hub. 

A resume and cover letter are required to apply for all co-op jobs, and most employment generally. 

Co-op Job Postings

Co-op jobs are posted by employers to the Careers Hub job board. Co-op job development and networking with employers to promote OC co-op programs, students and graduates is an ongoing activity for Careers Hub. 

Employers traditionally start recruiting co-op students during the four month time frame prior to the start of the work term. Therefore, co-op students can expect to see job postings during this time frame.

Each job posting will have specific details about the opportunity, skills required, start and finish times, wage details and a deadline date for applicants. 

Channels of Communication

The channels of communication are established with employers recruiting through Careers Hub. Students are not to seek employment directly with a participating co-op employer unless specific arrangements are made with the co-op coordinator, such as where students apply directly to employer. Students are not permitted to circumvent the outlined job competition process.

Co-op Job Interview Process

Co-op job interview dates and times are determined by the employer. Interviews are arranged by employers. 

Employers normally interview on campus, at their place of business or by video call. 

Co-op Job Offers

Employers normally contact students directly with a job offer. The student then contacts the employer to accept the job offer and discuss any details that need to be clarified.

Work Term Requirements

Work terms are noted on your academic transcript as pass/fail.

To achieve a "pass" on a Co-op work term, students must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete work terms according to contract/agreement
  • Complete a mid-term evaluation and monitoring visit 
  • Complete work term report
  • Ensure that employer completes the employer evaluation of student form 

To receive co-op designation you must meet the following mandatory requirements for graduation:

  •   Successfully complete two or more co-op work-terms in your degree/diploma*

*Culinary Arts Certificate, Culinary Management Diploma, Pastry Arts Certificate, and Tourism Management Diploma students require only one work term for co-op designation.

Securing a Co-op Job

Generating Opportunities:

Careers Hub generates employment opportunities; however, some students will find their own jobs. In the latter situation, students must report their co-op on Careers Hub and there may be further discussion regarding suitability. 

Job Offers

Job offers should be accepted or rejected within 24 hours, or by special arrangements with the co-op office.

Accepting a Job

When the employer makes a job offer, the student makes a firm commitment to that employer. Once a co-op job offer is accepted, the student is removed from other job competitions they may have entered and will not be eligible for future job competitions for that work term. Just as employers do not make firm offers hoping to find someone better later on, neither will students be allowed to play one employer against another. Failure to honour a commitment will lead to withdrawal from work term activity. 

Co-op students should consider all aspects of an employment opportunity before entering a job competition. Once the student has entered a co-op job competition and secured an interview they will normally be expected to accept a resulting offer of employment. If, after the interview, the students decides not to accept an offer from that employer, they must inform Careers Hub staff immediately so that arrangements can be made to have their name removed from that particular competition.

Rejecting a Job

Some job offers may, for certain valid reasons, be unacceptable to a student. However, the following points should be considered before rejecting a job offer:

  • When the student applies for a co-op job, it is assumed that, based on the job description, the student is prepared to make a commitment and accept the job offer.
  • Rejection of two job offers, for no valid reason, will remove a student from the competition for Careers Hub generated jobs for that work term.

Students are required to discuss their decision to reject a co-op job offer with Careers Hub staff before rejecting the offer.

Co-op Work Term Evaluation

Employer Evaluation of the Student:

Each employer will be asked to provide a written evaluation of student performance to the College at the completion of each work term.

Employers will also provide feedback on:

  • The student's outstanding qualities.
  • The qualities which the student should strive most to improve.

Work Site Visits

A member of Careers Hub staff will conduct a work site visit by telephone or in person with the employer and student during their work term. The student's performance will be discussed.

The Work Term Report

Each student participating in a Co-op work term is required to complete a work term report. (See Appendix A for Work Term Report details/format.)


Each student participating in a co-op work term is required to complete a work term report. 

  1. To provide the opportunity for the student to analyze his/her work experience.
  2. To provide practice in written communication skills.
  3. To provide feedback to the employer, program faculty and Careers Hub.


The report will consist of approximately 1 page (point form).


The report will be broken down into the following sections:

  1. The Employer 鈥 A discussion of the employer covering the following topics:
    • Ownership
    • Size
    • Company/department structures (use organization chart)p
    • products and/or services
    • Markets if applicable
      • Include brochures or other pertinent handout material from the organization.
  2. The Co-op Job 鈥 A detailed description of your role in the organization and your duties for your work term, i.e. assignments, projects, routine duties, etc.
  3. Personal Observations 鈥 All ideas are to be dealt with in a positive, constructive manner
    • What did you learn about your strengths and the areas which need improvements (technically, personally)?
    • How has the work term affected your career goals?
    • Explain what academic courses you found useful on your job. Note areas where academic preparation was inadequate.
  4. Conclusions and/or Recommendations 鈥 Final Remarks

Steps in Writing Your Work Term Report

The report will consist of approximately 1 page (point form).

Each student participating in a Co-op work term is required to complete a work term report. (See Appendix A for Work Term Report details/format.)

  1. Discuss your work term report with your supervisor early in your work term and with your Co-op Coordinator at the time of the on-site visit.
  2. The Co-op Job
  3. Personal Observations
  4. Submit work term report through your Careers Hub account or by email (careershub@okanagan.bc.ca). If you鈥檙e working with the same employer for back-to-back work terms, only one report is required.

Note: Submission of a work term report is required to validate transcript credit.


Co-operative education is paid work in the field the student is studying. Students alternate academic terms with relevant, paid full-time work experience.

  • Business Diploma, Degree and select Post-Baccalaureate Diplomas (HR, Marketing & Accounting)
  • Computer Information Systems Diploma and Degree
  • Technology Diplomas:
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Infrastructure and Computing
    • Electronic Engineering
    • Water Engineering
    • Sustainable Building
  • Animation Diploma
  • Kinesiology Diploma 
  • Programs with Mandatory Co-op work terms are:
    • Culinary Arts Certificate & Management Diploma
    • Pastry Arts Certificate
    • Tourism Management Diploma

Students in programs with a co-op option are eligible to complete work terms after the successful completion of at least two full-time semesters of study. Students must also be returning for at least one full-time semester of academic study after their co-op work term(s). The following are minimum GPA requirements to participate in co-op: 

  • Computer Information Systems Degree and Diploma - 65%
  • Business Administration Diploma - 60%
  • Business Administration Degree - 67%
  • Engineering Technology Diplomas - 60%
  • Animation Diploma - 60%
  • Kinesiology Diploma - 70% 

Students in programs with mandatory co-op work terms must "pass" their classes/course work in order to begin the work term. 

Careers Hub is open to job postings across Canada. 

  • Many of our jobs are posted for the Okanagan Valley.
  • Wages range from $17.40 (BC minimum wage) to $35 per hour depending on the company you are working for, the industry and location.
    • Common range is $18-24 per hour.
    • Employers are encouraged to include the wage or wage range in job postings and to consider the where employment occurs. 


  • One time application fee of $102.96 
    • Billed to your student account shortly after applying.
  • $343.20 (per work-term, 12-16 weeks of full-time paid employment) applied near the start of the co-op work term.
  • No fee to apply for an IRCC Co-op Work Permit (verify on IRCC website).
  • Apply for co-op at the end of your first academic term, after at least one full-time semester of grades are available to assess your GPA. Students further into academic training can apply for co-op as long as there is a full-time semester of studies to return back to after a co-op work term. Students cannot graduate ending on a co-op work term.
  • Students apply for co-op through their Careers Hub account. Under Work Integrated Learning, please submit a new application. If you do not have access to Work Integrated Learning in Careers Hub, please email careershub@okanagan.bc.ca
  • Cumulative GPA eligibility is verified at the end of the term, if your GPA meets requirements and other eligibility criteria then co-op program acceptance is initiated.
  • For international students who apply for 麻豆网站列表 co-op, please recognize that there is an additional requirement of an Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) Co-op Work Permit. Please note it may take up to four (4 ) months to receive a co-op work permit once an IRCC application has been submitted.  If OC co-op eligibility criteria are met, a conditional co-op program acceptance and 麻豆网站列表 support letter will be provided to submit with an IRCC Co-op Work Permit application. Work is not permitted to begin until you have received your physical co-op work permit and a copy has been uploaded to your Careers Hub account. 

Work terms are available:

  • January 鈥 April
  • May 鈥 August
  • September 鈥 December

Please note job postings for co-op are typically posted 1-3 months in advance of a co-op start date by employers. 

Culinary and Pastry Arts students are required to complete 10-week co-op terms; the dates of which vary according to intake and scheduling. Please check with the deparment for specifics. 

Students are responsible for their own job search and applying on opportunities. Please follow application instructions for all posted positions, including those on Careers Hub. Some employers may ask that you submit through Careers Hub, while others may direct you to an external website or email address. 

Students are encouraged to take advantage of the resume, cover letter, and interview preparation resources on Careers Hub - including templates and a mock interview simulator. Students are welcome to attend a Careers Hub virtual drop-in session with their job application documents for a personal review. 

Co-op jobs must be approved before students accept employment. Co-op jobs that are featured on Careers Hub are pre-approved positions. Students who find their own co-op job must get in touch with Careers Hub staff to ensure that the opportunity qualifies as a co-op by sufficiently supporting their academic studies.

Co-op jobs provide students with work experience to complement their in-class training. Therefore, a co-op job could be any full-time, 4 month term position which relates to your program of study and provides opportunity to integrate theoretical knowledge with practical activities. 

麻豆网站列表 will not retroactively approve co-op jobs after a student has already completed their work term(s). 

Taking courses while on a co-op work term is not recommended. Supporting rationale is that dedication to position learning and growth should be the primary student focus and reason for engaging in Work Integrated Learning (WIL), such as co-op employment. Employers are engaging student talent with the belief that the work opportunity and skill expansion is the driver behind the desire to hire a co-op student and it can become problematic to balance educational and careers development pursuits simultaneously.


Workshops and Drop-in sessions

Virtual drop-in

Drop-in sessions are available Mondays at 1-3pm and Fridays from 10am to 12pm. Please visit OC events for the zoom links. 

Meet with us for:
- Questions about your resume and cover letter
- Preparing for interviews
- Using your LinkedIn profile to its full potential
- Job search strategies
- Questions about co-operative education programs
- Other pre-employment issues you may be experiencing

Drop-ins are for 10 minutes per student, you will arrive in the waiting room, if the coordinator is available they will admit you. Depending on how many students who are in the waiting room will determine how long your wait is. Where possible we will add additional coordinators to ease wait times.

These drop-in sessions are ONLY available for 麻豆网站列表 students and recent graduates. You will be asked to provide your name,  student ID and program information. 

Virtual Presentations

Careers Hub regularly schedules job search and preparedness presentations. For the latest, please visit OC Events or Events in your Careers Hub account. 

Bachelor of Arts

Maintained by the Greater Vancouver Alliance for Arts and Culture, this site offers frequently updated postings for jobs within the Arts and Culture sector.

This online recruiting resource connects employers and job seekers with jobs in all industries, anywhere in the province.

The CCRA has offices across the country, with a variety of career opportunities that require a wide range of different skills.

A guide to job listing resources across Canada.

Your online guide to Canadian Career & Employment Resources. This site allows you to search for jobs for free in their own Canadian job database. Over 1,000 Canadian organizations have posted positions in fields such as accounting, information technology, sales and marketing and many others. You will also find resources for career exploration, education and training, job search techniques, resumes and cover letters, online job boards, professional associations, entrepreneurial resources and much more.

A good site for jobs with non-profit museums, art galleries, science centres, aquaria, archives, sports halls of fame, artist-run centres, zoos and historic sites across Canada.

This is a good place to find jobs for the US and Canadian market. Use a key word search and refine your search to a specific province or state. This site also offers resume writing tips and resources for students.

Lists employment opportunities in the non-profit sector. This site also provides extensive information, resources, and links to Canada's non-profit sector.


The ECN is an online educational recruitment resource that allows job seekers to search a nationwide database of educational employers currently seeking to fill positions in teaching, administration and support staff areas.

This Job Bank service provides a cross-Canada listing of job opportunities placed with Human Resources Development Canada. Job seekers can search by occupation and geography in order to help them find suitable employment.

Are you a journalist or a student looking for a job in journalism, new media or public relations? Then browse Jeff Gaulin's Canadian Journalism Job Board for free and find the job for you!

Ranked one of the top 30 student job sites on the Internet. This site is successful because it is advertised extensively in over 170,000 issues every month of jobpostings Magazine.

You will have to register with this site, but there is no charge. You can access a job posting menu for Canada and you can also write and store your resume with this service. The service will match you with any new postings according to your criteria, and inform you of the match through email.

Manage your career any time, from anywhere: track job searches; store resumes and cover letters; and connect to a global careers community.


Canada's tourism and hospitality job site!

Hospitality Careers Online is the hospitality industry's premier recruiting and job opportunity home on the web! Job Seekers can search 1000's of hotel jobs, restaurant jobs, casino jobs, resort jobs, chef jobs, cruise ship jobs, catering jobs & all hospitality industry employment for free, or post a resume for employers to find!

This is your career resource exclusively for the hospitality industry. This site provides you with detailed job listings and extensive profiles on hospitality companies and properties. You have control over exactly which jobs you apply to, and there is never any fee to candidates!

Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.

This site contains over 6500 Kelowna businesses, including links to e-mail addresses and web pages.

Mosaic Sales Solutions Canada is a sales and field marketing solutions agency that executes brand relevant selling, merchandising and event marketing programs.

Since 1979, go2HR has served BC鈥檚 tourism and hospitality industry with programs and services that support its growth and success. go2HR is helping the tourism industry address its labour market challenges by promoting best HR practices, labour market information, tourism career awareness, industry training, and industry health and safety.


This Education Job Postings site allows you to search Canadian teaching, administrative and supports job by category, city and location.

Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.

Health & Social Development

Health Match BC is a government funded program which assists rural communities in British Columbia to recruit nurses. This website allows nurses to view current vacancies available as well as post their resume online. Information regarding licensing and immigration issues can also be found on this website, and the services provided are free of charge.

Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.

Interior Health lists career opportunities in the following occupational categories: Administrative Support; Finance Accounting; Human Resources; Information Technology; Management; Nursing; Paramedical Professionals; Pharmacy; Physicians; Support Services, and Trades Maintenance.

Responsible for health care across Northern BC. Career opportunities in the following categories: Nursing, Physicians, Paramedical, Executive/Management, Community Support Services, Facility Support Services.

Job listings and support services for the social service field.

JServing health needs in the South, Central, and North regions of Vancouver Island. Career opportunities in the following categories: Clerical Support, Engineering/Trades, General Services, Health Sciences, Information Systems, Licensed Practical Nursing, Management/Non-contract.

Science & Technology

ASTTBC is the association for technology professionals in British Columbia, representing the interests of members in dealings with other professional associations, government, industry and educational institutions. ASTTBC also acts as a source of information and specialized services for members as well as providing networking opportunities. ASTTBC registers technologists and technicians, grants professional certification to qualified members, and regulates standards of practice in accordance with a Code of Ethics.

The British Columbia Water and Waste Association (BCWWA) is dedicated to the stewardship of the environment and public health by advancing the technology and science of the water and wastewater fields.

ECO Canada is a not-for-profit organization that helps the Canadian environmental industry meet its human resources needs.


The Canadian Information Processing Society's web site.


CTEN is a national job referral system which puts technology professionals - members of provincial associations 鈥 in touch with prospective employers searching for quality technical staff with specific knowledge and expertise. Members can post their skills and expertise, search for and access job opportunities across the country, contact employers who have matched their skills, and promote the value of certification and their professional designation.


First Jobs in Science & Technology is a hiring program for Western Canada's science and technology businesses. Check it out!


Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.


The National Research Council IRAP Youth Program is an initiative of the Youth Employment Strategy of Human Resources Development Canada.

The Canadian Advanced Technology Association's national job site for high tech employers.

Lists many of BC's leading IT and technology companies.


Apprenticeship Financial Incentives

Employment Insurance (EI) benefits may be available for apprentice while attending technical training.

Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.

The Job Resource Centre connects workers with employers in the Banff area.

Employment opportunities posted by individual orchards, plus information on typical hours of work, wages and who is hiring.

This site is designed to provide as much information and resources as possible about jobs and careers for job seekers. While this site has all types of resources and links, its main focus in on helping students find employment.

"Still making the job of finding a job a little easier. A resource on employment diversity." This site allows you to select the province you wish to seek information about. There are articles about work and seeking employment. You can maneuver through the job postings and return to the main menu with ease.

Links to Federal Government jobs and recruitment sites.

Here you'll find a listing of currently available openings in every region of Canada and in a wide variety of specializations, as well as student programs and the Information Technology Recruitment site, where computer science specialists can drop off their resume and be considered for openings in the federal government.

Provides assistive technology or supports to individuals with disabilities to assist them in gaining or sustaining employment and community attachment. Services are available to individuals 16 years of age and older who have a work-related barrier due to a disability or functional limitation. There is no cost associated with the program, but people with resources are welcome to contribute. 

Neil Squire Society uses technology, knowledge and passion to empower people with disabilities. Neil Squire is committed to social inclusion, economic equity and a productive society that includes equal opportunities for people with disabilities. They have programs to support under and unemployed people, as well as . 


Links to Federal Government jobs and recruitment sites.

Here you'll find a listing of currently available openings in every region of Canada and in a wide variety of specializations, as well as student programs and the Information Technology Recruitment site, where computer science specialists can drop off their resume and be considered for openings in the federal government.

The Youth International Internship Program is part of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy, and gives youth a first paid international work experience.

If you would like to work for the BC Government this is the site for you. There are hundreds of job postings for government jobs in all areas of BC. They offer information about career opportunities, standard qualifications, and youth programs. Links are provided for other large non-government companies offering employment. This is an easy to use and very helpful site.

Glassdoor gives you access to millions of jobs from over 500,000 different companies, and has a unique, localized career content for many different languages and territories: , , Belgium ( & ), Canada ( & ), , , ,, , Switzerland ( & ), , .


This is an on-line travel orientation session designed for students and faculty involved in overseas programs. Students planning an exchange are encouraged to complete this information session.


The Youth International Internship Program is part of the Government of Canada's Youth Employment Strategy, and gives youth a first paid international work experience.


Information on study and work abroad opportunities.


GlobalPlacement.com is a free internship program service for students. The website is offering thousands of internship positions worldwide and is funded by the European Union through the Leonardo da Vinci Program.


Teacher recruiter website for ESL teachers in Korea.


Canada Offers many job opportunities for newcomers. The best way to succeed is to prepare! This website can help you get ready for the challenges of finding a job.

Reach to Teach Recruiting is a free ESL teacher placement agency. Our main client pool are recent or soon to be college graduates and young professionals.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across Malaysia.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across South Africa.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across UAE.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across Australia.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across New Zealand.


Jobs from thousands of employers, recruiters and government sites across India.

Indeed allows a user to look at positions all across Canada. Very specific fields and locations can be entered and alerts can be set up to be sent to the user daily.

WorkBC's key goal is to help all British Columbians successfully navigate B.C.鈥檚 labour market.  WorkBC connects job seekers and employers 鈥 helping people find jobs, explore career options and improve their skills, and helping employers find the right talent and grow their businesses.


CivicInfo BC provides a job posting service that is one of the best ways for local governments to attract professional, qualified candidates. If working in BC's local government sector interests you, please visit their website for a comprehensive listing of current job opportunities.


CivicJobs.ca is a Canada-wide one-stop shop for local government careers and the broad spectrum that they represent. This job posting site aims to match up civic government employers with the best employees across the country.


Jobserve, the World first Internet Recruitment Service.


Employment Site for the Food and Beverage Manufacturing Industry. With 11,665 current food and beverage manufacturing jobs posted from hundreds of the industry's top companies and recruiters, we have grown to become, by far, the largest food and beverage industry-specific job board on the internet.


JobGurus was founded in 2006 and currently pulls job postings from 6000 sources Canada wide- providing its users with the most comprehensive search available. The site is free of charge for job seekers.


This is a one-stop-shop for student-focused entrepreneurial opportunities. With grants, events and mentorship opportunities, Accelerate Okanagan provides a wealth of activities to accelerate your growth as an entrepreneur.


Step-by-step tutorial to help students create a website using the free and popular software WordPress.


The best tools to help students brainstorm domain names for their new venture.


The finest free logo makers.

The Connector Program is a formalized community integration initiative offered by COEDC (Central Okanagan Economic Development Commission) designed to broaden a job seeker鈥檚 network through one-on-one meetings with established business leaders in the community. It is a simple but effective referral process that puts newcomers or recent graduates in the Central Okanagan (Lake Country to Peachland) in touch with highly networked individuals so they can connect to our workforce and settle successfully.


This organization is aimed at young professionals in their 20's and 30's, their mission is to is to provide a conduit for connecting young professionals through volunteer, social, professional, sports, arts, cultural events and activities.


This is a one-stop-shop for student-focused entrepreneurial opportunities. With grants, events and mentorship opportunities, Accelerate Okanagan provides a wealth of activities to accelerate your growth as an entrepreneur.


This website is a resource for recent graduates, employers and those wanting to support those early in their careers. Great early career experiences help build a foundation for success, a stronger future for young people and a more prosperous Canada for all of us. This toolkit is designed to help all stakeholders - young people, managers, and HR teams - make these experiences great. From work integrated learning to summer jobs, the approaches and practices outlined will also support young people and employers in getting the most from these experiences.

Access student talent across BC to support your business. 

Learn why hiring the best and the brightest talent from 25 post-secondary institutions in BC/Yukon can be a great move for your business.

Employer and community partner toolkit including employer resources, job posting support, interview best practices and general information on work-integrated learning. 

Access guides, toolkits and additional resources to support diversity as an asset in your workplace. 


Supports Museums, Arts, Tourism, Culture and Hospitality (MATCH) organizations to recruit student talent through funding information, connections to post-secondary programs, and onboarding resources. 

Six(6) tip sheets for employers from MATCH Organizations: Museums, Arts, Tourism, Culture and Hospitality. 

Resources to support Galleries, Libraries, Archives and Museums (GLAM) in recruiting student talent. 

Simplified guide to post-secondary institutions offering Hospitality/Tourism Management and Culinary Arts programs. 

We expect that job postings include the wage or wage range in the description and ask employers to please consider the living wage in the region where the position is located. 

Living wage is the hourly amount that each of two working parents with two young children must earn to meeting their basic expenses (rent, child care, food and transportation) taking into account government taxes, credits, deductions and subsidies. It does not include recreation, entertainment, emergencies, debt repayment or savings. 

BCIC Tech Works unites students with valuable training opportunities in BC's technology sector through the BC Innovator Skills Initiative and BC Tech Co-op Grants Program


For more information you can visit

The Student Business Loans program, which is managed by the Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC), offers interest-free loans of up to $3,000 for young entrepreneurs to operate their own business during the summer.

The Student Business Loans program helps enterprising young Canadians in high school, junior college or CEGEP, or university get a taste for career options that may lie ahead once they鈥檝e finished school. Plus, it can bolster their self-confidence and lay the foundation for future employment success.

For more information about the Student Business Loans program, you can visit the BDC website at

Today鈥檚 information and telecommunications technology puts more power into the hands of small business. But quite often, the only things hampering a company鈥檚 success are the technology and the knowledgeable staff to use it.
Whether a business has one employee or 250, it may be able to take advantage of a unique funding program designed to share the risk of applying technology new to a firm.

For more information you can visit:

If your organization recently hired or is in need of a young environmental professional, you may be eligible for funding. ECO Canada is pleased to announce the continuation of the Environmental Youth Corp. (EYC) internship program. If eligible you could receive a 33-40% wage subsidy with a maximum of $12,000 to cover your employee鈥檚 salary.
Since its inception in 1997, the EYC has created almost 1400 internships working on national and international environmental projects. ECO Canada's primary objective is the creation of long-term employment opportunities and currently enjoys a success rate of over 95% for both programs. With the recent implementation of an online application process, it is now even easier for employers to apply. To apply for an EYC internship, or to learn more about the program, please visit our website at .
The Environmental Youth Corp. (EYC) is designed to create a six to twelve month window-of-opportunity for post-secondary graduates under the age of 30. These individuals are either unemployed or underemployed and are seeking to gain experience in either a national or international environmental project.
Are you an organization interested in hiring an EYC intern? Go directly to the EYC 

Looking for a student job and an exciting work experience? Check out FSWEP (Federal Student Work Experience Program). Apply online via the PSC website at: FSWEP
The Federal Student Work Experience Program (FSWEP) is the primary vehicle through which federal departments and agencies recruit students for temporary student jobs. FSWEP offers students the opportunity to grow personally, develop new skills and learn more about how the federal government works.
To be eligible...

  • You must have full-time student status from a recognized institution and be returning to full-time studies in the upcoming academic term.

What kind of student jobs are available?

  • Post-secondary student jobs include: computer science, geology and marine emergency work.
  • Secondary student jobs include: clerical work, (word-processing, data-entry, or mail room clerical work), and general labour.

Where and when will jobs be available?

  • Across Canada, year-round, during an academic term (part-time) and during a non-academic term (full-time or part-time.)

How do I apply and where can I get more information?

  • Apply online and get more information via the PSC website.
  • You can obtain a FSWEP application kit:
  • At your campus career centre;
  • At a Human Resource Centre of Canada;
  • At any office of the Public Service Commission of Canada; or
  • By contacting the Youth Info Line at 1-800-935-5555.

Is there a deadline for applying?

  • No, there is no deadline for applying to the general inventory. You can apply starting mid-October of the current year. However, certain departments hire students earlier than others, so apply soon. We are committed to employment equity.
    • Employment Programs 鈥 Check out this section for information on Government Employment Programs.
    • Writing Your Resume 鈥 Your resume is the most effective way to sell yourself. It should outline your skills and experience so an employer will realize what you will be able to contribute to their company.
    • Job Hunting Tips: Those who find jobs are successful because they know how to conduct an effective job search.
    • Preparing For Job Interviews 鈥 Perhaps the most important key to a successful interview is to be well prepared for it and to have some knowledge of what to expect.
    • Success on the Job 鈥 You may be facing your work experience with a combination of excitement and trepidation. We hope these suggestions will help you handle any situations that arise during your employment.
    • Online Employment Resources 鈥 Here you鈥檒l find a list of links in the following categories: Careers, Labour Market Info, Resume Help, Starting Your Own Business, Volunteering and Job Search Resources.

Colleges and Institutes Canada (CICan) is the national, voluntary membership organization representing publicly supported colleges, institutes, cegeps and polytechnics in Canada and internationally. 
Known previously as the Association of Canadian Community Colleges (ACCC), CICan continues to champion the innovations, applied research, international development, and the employment or entrepreneurial opportunities that are created by its member institutions and partners all over the world.
CiCan鈥檚 members work with industry and social sectors to train 1.5 million learners of all ages and backgrounds at campuses serving over 3,000 urban, rural and remote communities across Canada. The association is committed to quality education and skills development opportunities for all Canadians as a means to maximize labour market participation and support Canada/s prosperity.

For more information you can visit:


Theprovides funding to small, medium and large enterprises to support skills training for their workforces, including prospective new hires.

The intent of this program is to help British Columbians access the skills training required to adapt to the labour market鈥檚 changing job requirements, while also encouraging employer involvement in skills training.

The Employer Training Grant helps employers pay for training, which in turn helps employees experience increased job security or move into better jobs.

Employers can apply as often as they need and receive 80% of the cost of training up to $10,000 per employee, with a maximum annual amount per employer of $300,000.

Priority is given to first-time applicants, small businesses, and applicants from regions and industries experiencing the greatest challenges acquiring skilled workers.


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